发布时间:2024-01-30 11:14:53 编辑:小杨来源:犀牛国际教育
⏩ 2023BMO R1分数线和奖项设置:
奖项名称 |
分数线 |
金牌Gold |
58 |
无证书,有奖牌 |
银牌Silver |
49 |
无证书,有奖牌 |
铜牌Bronze |
44 |
无证书,有奖牌 |
优异奖Distinction |
30 |
有电子和纸质证书 |
荣誉奖Merit |
13 |
有电子和纸质证书 |
晋级BMO R2的分数线为13分,成功晋级的同学可以全力以赴准备下一轮考试啦!
BMO难度如何?一起来看一下2023年 BMO R1的真题吧,我们还给大家准备了解析福利哦~
2023BMO R1真题
Q1:An unreliable typist can guarantee that when they try to type a word with different letters,every letter of the word will appear exactly once in what they type, and each letter will occurat most one letter late (though it may occur more than one letter early). Thus, when tryingto type MATHS, the typist may type MATHS, MTAHS or TMASH, but not ATMSH.Determine, with proof, the number of possible spellings of OLYMPIADS that might betyped.
Q2:The sequence of integers